We design, develop, and deliver technology that puts power in the hands of workers.
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images of people organizing around causes

Workit Labs is a worker-centered technology organization. We build power with and for workers, collaborating with those on the frontlines to design, develop, and deliver tools that connect people, information, and resources, enabling them to modernize, mobilize, and scale.

We design.

We co-design technology-focused solutions with worker leaders, worker centers, and labor unions to address workplace challenges and provide workplace support for people working in low wage jobs.

We develop.

We rapidly build, test, and iterate our solutions using cutting edge technology and gather real time feedback from millions of people working in precarious, low wage jobs who are part of our existing network of users.

We deliver.

We distribute, learn, and partner with movement leaders, labor unions and worker centers to distribute our technology to help build and reinforce sustainable digital organizing practices.

We really did not know how the COVID tracker would be received and adopted by our members and other Texas public school employees. But nearly 3,300 reports later, we have been able to use this tracker as an organizing tool and a platform for advocacy. On social media and through email and peer-to-peer texting, we have shared tracker results and encouraged our 66,000 members to report safety concerns and violations to the tracker.

Nicole H., Director of Communications, Texas AFT

WorkIt is a great example of how technology can be used to empower rather than undercut workers. At United Workers Union, we’ve been able to use WorkIt to identify workplace issues our members are experiencing, follow up with potential activists, and open up new ways for our members to engage in their union.

Sara S., National Coordinator, UWU

We've really been using the aged care watch tracker tool to amplify our digital strategy to really reach aged care workers all across Australia, track understaffing issues across the whole country, and really raise public awareness for the issue as well as using it as an organizing tool to reach new members.

Linda H., Senior Digital Campaigner, UWU

[WorkIt] takes care of the needs that the worker has, while simultaneously streamlining the time needed to meet that need, which is very valuable -- we only have so many hours in the day.

Field Organizer, WorkIt for Our Walmart